Indian Golden Oriole
Indian Golden Oriole
( સોનેરી પીળક)
( સોનેરી પીળક)
It was the one of our
Thol trip. And as usual our daughter fall asleep before reached the
destination. So Pankaj had to start birding without us. At first I stayed in
the car and try to kill time by playing candy crush in my cell phone. After
sometime I heard a distant shrill call which was stand out from other commoners
plus its felt familiar. I came out of the car and start looking for some
movement. Then I locate Indian Golden Oriole on nearby Pithecellobium dulce (ગોરસ અં।બલી) tree. It was male Indian golden oriole, its beautiful
golden colour contrasts with the largely black wings+tail and pink bill. Its
looks impossible to overlook because of its striking colours. Despite its
bright plumage, the Indian golden oriole is often surprisingly well-hidden
amongst dense greenery, but its distinctive whistling call always reveals its
location. It was jumping from one branch to other busy in feeding, apparently
unaware by my presence. I can even able to take clear shot with our Canon SX-50
HS. It was still foraging on same tree when my daughter wakes up. She was also
happily take some shots. Then came some van drivers out of the curiosity and
asked what are we doing? That noise is more than enough to alert Oriole so its
fly away.
Thol Wildlife Sanctuary, near Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
13th January 2016Canon SX50HS
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